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Rates for Deposit Accounts, Retirement Accounts and CDs

All rates effective as of 1/22/2025.

Time Certificate of Deposit Rates

  • Term: 91 days- $1,000 minimum opening deposit.     Interest Rate- 3.94%; APY*- 4.00%
  • Term: 182 days- $1,000 minimum opening deposit.   Interest Rate- 3.96%; APY*- 4.00%
  • Term: 12 months- $100 minimum opening deposit.   Interest Rate-  3.96%; APY*- 4.00%
  • Term: 18 months- $1,000 minimum opening deposit. Interest Rate- 3.96%; APY*- 4.00%
  • Term: 30 months- $1,000 minimum opening deposit. Interest Rate- 3.96%; APY*- 4.00%
  • Term: 48 months- $1,000 minimum opening deposit. Interest Rate- 3.96%; APY*  -4.00%
  • Term: 60 months- $1,000 minimum opening deposit. Interest Rate- 3.96%; APY*- 4.00%
  • Term: 72 months- $1,000 minimum opening deposit. Interest Rate- 3.96%; APY*- 4.00%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Interest rates subject to change


Individual Retirement Accounts

Interest Rate: 0.20%

APY*- 0.20%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Interest rates subject to change.


Super NOW Checking Account Rates **

  • Average daily balance: $0.00-$2,499.99; interest rate- 0.01%; APY*- 0.01%
  • Average daily balance: $2,500.00-$9,999.99; interest rate- 0.01%; APY*- 0.01%
  • Average daily balance: $10,000 or greater; interest rate- 0.01%; APY*- 0.01%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

**Fees could reduce earnings. Interest rates subject to change. Minimum balance to open is $1,000. 


Super NOW Non-Profit Account Rate

Interest Rate: 0.05%

APY*- 0.05%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Interest rates subject to change. Must be a qualified 501(c)3 organization.


Variable Savings Account Rates

Interest Rate: 0.10%

APY*- 0.10%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Interest rates subject to change.


Insured Money Market Savings Account**

Interest Rate: 0.25%

APY*- 0.25%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Interest rates subject to change

**Minimum balance to open account is $5,000.00 and minimum average daily balance of $5,000.00 is required to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield. Contact Fairfax State Savings Bank at 319-846-2300 for more information.


Loan Rates

Please see a Lender or call 319-846-2300 for more information.


CD Rates Effective: 11/8/2024; Super NOW Rates Effective: 1/10/2023;  IRA Rate Effective: 7/01/2021;  Money Market Rate Effective: 2/8/2023; Savings Rate Effective: 2/8/2023