Wealth Management

Retirement Accounts & Trust Services
You spend your life working to acquire income and wealth, but it shouldn’t be stagnant. Wealth Management services from Fairfax State Savings Bank help ensure your money is working and will be there for you when you need it. No matter what events – planned or unplanned – happen next, you cannot put a price on being prepared and having peace of mind.
Personal Retirement Accounts
Are you ready for retirement? An individual retirement account, or IRA, from Fairfax State Savings Bank not only helps you put away money for the future, but also helps it grow through compound interest.
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As a business owner, you want to do what’s best for your employees. This includes offering a beneficial retirement plan that rewards them for their hard work and shows how much you appreciate them.
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What happens to your assets when you die? While it may not be the most pleasant conversation, it is important to have the right trust services working for you to provide greater peace of mind.
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