Archive: 2017, October
How to Financially Prepare for Natural Disasters
Posted on October 25, 2017
When it comes to preparing your finances for certain occasions, natural disasters usually aren’t one of the events that come to mind. However, not creating an emergency fund for the unexpected could hurt you immensely since Mother Nature doesn’t care whether you’re prepared or not. That’s why Fairfax State Savings Bank has put together a few tips on how you can ready yourself for a natural disaster.
How to Get Smart with Your Credit
Posted on October 11, 2017
Categories: Online Services, Personal Finances
Today, practicing the simple credit concept of “living within your means” can be extremely difficult due to medical and housing costs growing more rapidly than income in many American households. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t manage your credit and debt responsibly. Here are a few tips to help you get your credit on track, even when times are tough.
Tips for Cyber-Security When it comes to Your Mobile Device
Posted on October 4, 2017
Categories: Cyber Security, Online Services, Website
Odds are you’re probably reading this blog post on your cell phone, which you found through an app on your smartphone and then used it to get directions to Fairfax State Savings Bank. Seventy-seven percent of Americans now own a smartphone and use it on a daily basis. With so many people accessing, searching and downloading things on their cell phones, are we really using the same caution and protection we would use when it comes to our computers? Odds also are, you’re not. With a...