Archive: 2020, August
7 Daily Habits That Will Save You Money
Posted on August 25, 2020
Categories: Budgeting, Financial Education, Goals, Personal Finances, Savings
Saving money doesn’t have to be complicated – there are habits to incorporate into your daily routine that will save you money in the long run. These tips are simple and easy to start but also very effective. It's time to take control of your finances and make some healthy changes!
Smart Money Choices for First-Time Parents
Posted on August 18, 2020
Categories: Budgeting, Financial Education, Personal Finances, Savings
Entering parenthood can be one of the most exciting yet scary times in life. The financial aspect of raising children is just one small piece to the parenting puzzle, but it’s an important piece. We’re here to help you make smart money choices you might not have thought to make.
Know These Safety Tips Before Shopping Online
Posted on August 11, 2020
Categories: Cyber Security
As fun and entertaining as online shopping is, there are many things to consider in terms of safety. Websites that may look real could be scams, products that look great could be knockoffs, and stores you think are reliable could take advantage of your card information. Keep reading to find out how to stay safe online while you’re shopping.
Finance Tips Your Kids Should Know Before College
Posted on August 4, 2020
Categories: Budgeting, Financial Education, Personal Finances, Savings
Whether you’ve had children head off to college in the past or this is your first child to do so, these financial tips are a great refresher for everyone. College students are known to live off of very little money, but there are ways to change that. Going into college with a financial plan will help your child avoid worrying about money while in school and can lower the amount of debt he or she might have in the...