Archive: 2018, May
Protecting Older Americans Against the Top Scam: IRS Impersonations
Posted on May 22, 2018
Categories: Cyber Security, Financial Education
No age group is immune to scams. It can happen to any age group, income level and gender. Scammers are no respecter to persons when it comes to getting your money. However, seniors should be protective of their finances, as they are more likely to have significant life savings and great credit. They also may be unsure of who to report fraud to, or don’t out of shame. This makes them a great target for scams. Unfortunately, the top scam among older Americans is IRS Impersonations.
Relationships & Money: What Your Conflict Strategy Says About Your Finances
Posted on May 22, 2018
Categories: General, Personal Finances
“I think what makes people fascinating is conflict, it’s the drama, it’s the human condition. Nobody wants to watch perfection” (Nicholas Cage). If you’re human, you experience some degree of conflict daily. With the American expenditures averaging $157 per day, the purchase decisions you make every day are impacted by how you manage conflict. Understanding your conflict-resolution style can not only help you better understand and improve your financial obstacles,...
Habits of Financially Mature People
Posted on May 22, 2018
Categories: Budgeting, Financial Education, Personal Finances, Savings
If you take a look around, you may notice that a majority of people from a variety of income levels seem stressed about their finances. Seventy eight percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and debt is creeping up more and more every year. So what’s the secret for those who aren’t wealthy enough to be financially independent, but still manage to live the life they desire? We believe the difference is financial maturity and have collected top habits for you to integrate...
Can You Save on Groceries From Gardening? What You Should Know Before Digging In.
Posted on May 22, 2018
Categories: Budgeting, Savings
Gardening isn’t for everyone, but if you are looking for ways to cut down on one of your greatest expenditures, your own home garden might be a great place to start! You don’t need to be a Master Gardener to see returns on getting your hands dirty. However, it helps to know a thing or two before digging in!