Archive: 2017, June
Teaching Your Children the Basics of Online Security
Posted on June 28, 2017
Categories: Cyber Security, Website
If you’re like many parents in the United States, your preteens and teenagers may be running circles around you when it comes to utilizing the latest technology. Whether that’s Facebook’s latest updates, new iPhone technology, or the latest app hitting the scene, the amount of new knowledge and innovation seems endless. For your growing adults, this may look more like an endless playground than a minefield, but at times it can be both. To help your children use technology while...
Water Your Lawn & Your Wallet Too
Posted on June 21, 2017
If you’d like to grow your landscape and your finances this season, Fairfax State Savings Bank has the perfect tips for you! To jumpstart this warmer weather, we’re excited to share our top tips and tricks to maintaining a healthy lawn and garden without digging too deep into your budget:
The Argument for a Monthly Money Meeting
Posted on June 14, 2017
Categories: Budgeting, Personal Finances, Savings
Whether you’re recently married, or you’re approaching your 30th anniversary, you know that money can be a topic of controversy among couples and families. Even in the most perfect relationships hardships happen, and decisions have to be made. At Fairfax State Savings Bank, we think there is a helpful and long term tool that can help you have less conflict and more compromises while contemplating both goals and solutions. The answer is relatively simple, talk it out, however, the...
How to Save $1,000,000 for Retirement
Posted on June 7, 2017
Categories: Personal Finances, Retirement, Savings
Retirement, 401(k), stocks and bonds, the subject matter of saving for the long term isn’t often as appealing as saving for the short term. Perhaps that’s why nearly three-quarters of Americans are underestimating how much they’ll need for retirement. The United States is on the brink, if not already in, a retirement crisis. However, at Fairfax State Savings Bank we believe retirement saving can still be easily accomplished, there are just a few steps to get started: