Tag: money management
Money Management for Middle Schoolers
Posted on September 18, 2018
Categories: Budgeting, General, Personal Finances, Savings
It is never too early to start teaching your children about money management. Research has shown that there has been a decrease in understanding finances and how to manage money in America’s youth. Teaching your children how to manage their money leads them to becoming financially responsible adults. Below are 5 money management tips you can use to teach financial literacy in your home.
Why Your Child’s Allowance Should be Tied to Their Chores
Posted on August 29, 2017
Categories: Budgeting, Financial Education
There are literally thousands of how-to’s and self-help books for parents, but truly the only real way to learn how to raise a child is to do it! Luckily our growing team of parents at Fairfax State Savings Bank have some true hands-on experience when it comes to upbringing and explaining money management to little ones.
Nature v. Nurture: The Psychology of Spending
Posted on April 6, 2017
Categories: Financial Education, Personal Finances, Savings
If you’ve ever taken Psychology 101, you’ve probably heard the argument for nature v. nurture. In this multi-century discussion, psychologists have debated whether a person’s genetics or environment make a greater impact their personal behavior. At Fairfax State Savings Bank we’re excited to share our take on this timeless debate, and share how nature and nurture affect your spending habits.
What Your Teen Needs to Know About Money Management
Posted on August 23, 2016
Categories: Budgeting, Personal Finances
What Your Birth Order Says About Your Money Management
Posted on July 6, 2016
Categories: Personal Finances, Retirement, Savings
Every family knows there’s a difference between the various siblings, but why is that? Many psychologists agree, birth order plays a large role! Each member of your family is generally rooted in one of four personality types which help define their core behaviors and beliefs. Discover how these traits can translate to your money management style at Fairfax State Savings Bank.